Rat extermination in Sarasota is a booming business, at least it is for us because of the number of people who want to get rid of rodents fast!

We get a lot of calls from homeowners and our colleagues in Sarasota about what seems to be a growing rat problem.

Rats can cause a great deal of damage, contaminate food, and carry disease. You may not know you have an issue in your home with rats until it hits you over the head! That’s when you actually see a live (or dead) rate in or around your home. Ick!

Do I Have Rats?

Before you call for rat extermination in Sarasota you might see some of these other signs of a rat infestation in your home:

  • Droppings, especially around human or pet food or in or around trash areas
  • Noises in the dark, such as scratching sounds from the attic
  • Nests or piled nesting materials in hidden areas
  • Evidence of gnawing of wires or structural wood
  • Burrows around the yard or under the home or outbuildings
  • Gnawed fruits in trees
  • Smudge marks along walls or rodent hairs along paths, in nests, or near food

Rat Extermination in Sarasota Tools of the Trade

Rat Traps

We use traps (including both open and enclosed rat traps) and baits to effectively kill the rats. All traps, baited or unbaited, must be regularly inspected, as a dead or dying rat or a food bait can attract secondary insects and cause an added  infestation on top of your initial problem.

We set traps where rat signs are seen and in out-of-the-way, hidden areas, especially in attics, basements and near food sources. It is also important that we keep traps away from children or pets.

There are three types of traps:  snap traps, live traps, and glue traps.

First, glue traps are usually not very effective as larger rats like roof rats can pull themselves loose or drag the trap around after them if they have a foot or two unglued.

Snap traps are the “classic” platform with a spring triggered clasp just like you would have seen in the old Tom & Jerry cartoons. (Do you all remember those? Jerry was the clever mouse that always got away.)  If the traps are large enough for a rat, they can be highly effective.

​​Rats are naturally curious and like to investigate and wiggle into holes. This is the reason live traps are effective. In these traps, the rodent can get in but cannot get out because the mechanism snaps it to the other side of the trap where it is captured. When we check these traps, we must humanely killed or release the captured rat where it won’t reenter the home or be of harm to others.

Rodent Baits

Baits include those used in traps and those that poison rats without using traps. These are the usual types:

Dry pet food can be a very attractive bait for rats, so can nuts, dried fruits and dried meats, such as bacon. These can be attached to a snap trap with thread, wire or even glue. For rats, soft baits, such as peanut butter and cheese, are not always effective, because the rat can sometimes pull off the bait without snapping the trap.

Rodenticides are the poison pesticides for the killing of rats and mice. As a licensed professional pest control specialist, we have the proper training and keep strictly up to date on which pesticides are appropriate for any given situation. There is an EPA regulation that limits specific baits sold only in disposable, ready-to-use bait stations. This can help protect children and pets from inadvertent contact with or eating of these poison baits.

Bait stations are enclosed equipment in which a rodenticide bait is placed. The station does not trap the rat, instead, when used properly and locked in place, the rat can enter the station to eat the bait. Meanwhile the bait is protected against accidental contact with children or pets.

Luckily, when you call an expert like us for rat extermination in Sarasota, you don’t need to know all about rodenticides and the best traps and placement. You also don’t need to check the traps yourself and deal with dead or captured rats. (Ick, again!)

If you “smell a rat” just give us a call!