Although no one could know for certain, it would not be too far of a stretch to claim, “Yes, absolutely, cockroaches survive the atom bomb and anything else that could come our way.”

From a pest control perspective, much less a homeowner, this is a pretty pessimistic view. We’ve been providing home pest control in Sarasota for years and we know how persistent cockroaches can be.

First, fossil evidence proves cockroaches have been around for over 300 million years and they are the most common pests as well. There are an amazing  4,600 different species of cockroaches worldwide, and they live in every continent, except for Antarctica.  Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if one survived in the permafrost and emerged if global warming continues!

Cockroaches are incredibly hardy and resilient. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), controlling cockroaches is “a homeowner’s most difficult task because of the time and special knowledge it often involves.”  (Hint: that’s where your reliable local pest control services comes in!)

Six Reasons Why Cockroaches Survive So Well


The cockroach adapts well, having adjusted to the changes of the earth and its inhabitants for these hundreds of millions of years. Most recently, as in the last 1000 years, cockroaches have adjusted to life with humans by using our homes, businesses, and food as their own.


Cockroaches will eat just about anything. Of course, they prefer food like  starches, sweets, grease, and meat products, but they will also eat cheese, beer, leather, glue, hair, starch in book bindings, flakes of dried skin (Ick!) or decaying organic matter (plant or animal).  Glue is a favorite. The love the glue on wallpapers, stamps, and even glue in furniture joints!


Since cockroaches are small—especially the German cockroaches—they can hide and make their homes nearly anywhere. The can be found in the tiniest of cracks, or squeeze through these to build a vast population behind a wall. They hide under refrigerators, stoves, false bottoms in kitchen cabinets, in the backs of cabinets and crevices between baseboards and floors or cabinets and walls. They may also be found behind pictures or within electronic equipment.


It is rare that you will see cockroaches during the day. If you do, you might have a much bigger problem than you can imagine.  However, go to the kitchen or the bathroom during the night and flip on the light switch – that’s when you will see your little houseguests.

After spending  the daylight hours hidden away in  dark, secluded site, they venture out at night in search of food and water. So, not surprisingly, the roach population can build to large numbers before they are sighted.


Speaking of population explosions, cockroaches produce their eggs in capsules which they then carry or carefully place. Each capsule can contain up to 40 eggs and a single roach can produce up to 400 offspring in one year, depending on the species. The hatched eggs then have a relatively short time to maturity and their own ability to reproduce and carry on the population. How do cockroaches survive? It’s a numbers game!

Variation and Endurance

Most cockroaches prefer to find a home close to moisture. However, there are some species, such as the brown-banded cockroach, that can live for many days without water. So, in almost any given climate or situation there is one roach species or another that will have adapted to it.

Despite their ability to endure long stretches without, cockroaches cannot exist entirely without water and most need daily consumption. Aaccording to a University of Rhode Island fact sheet, the availability of water is the single most important factor in determining whether cockroaches survive.

The Problems of Cockroaches

While it might be nice if humans could co-exist with this prolific insect, there are just as many reasons that they are hazardous to our health and well-being.


Secretions that are produced by cockroaches can stain surfaces and affect the flavor of foods. If there are large numbers of the cockroaches, the secretions can even have a detectable odor.


Cockroaches are known to carry disease pathogens such as Staphylococcus, Escherichia coli (E. Coli), Salmonella, and Streptococcus.

Food contamination

When cockroaches walk on food, utensils, dishes, counters, or food-contact surfaces, they can transfer these bacteria to the food and onward to those who eat the foods, causing illnesses such as food poisoning, dysentery, and diarrhea.


A significant portion of human beings have some form of allergic reaction to the feces and old skins of cockroaches. I can attest to reactions ranging from skin rashes, watery eyes, sneezing, and nasal congestion to asthma or worse.

Cockroach Control

It doesn’t matter which species of cockroach you might encounter – and there are several very common types—this disgusting, contaminating and resilient bug can be a home or business owner’s nightmare.

We like to think, because our customers tell us so, that we offer highly effective services to control cockroaches that might appear in your home through our regular pest control services in the Sarasota area. 

You can clean your home thoroughly and try to minimize their sources of food, water, and shelter, but if you want to help with that. Give us a call at Heath Pest Control!